Milk Supply

Many breeders worry about milk supply, especially when a c-section is involved.  My thoughts?  Many vets administer oxytocin to help with milk supply. There are also natural supplements and homeopathic remedies that can help. Give me a call or a message if you need support.

On a general note I would always say try not to worry and rush to supplement puppies with formula. A bitch may struggle making enough milk to support her pup’s needs if they are being supplemented unnecessarily.  The reason?  Her body simply doesn’t know how much is needed. If the demand is not there, how can she know to increase milk supply?

A healthy bitch, with a good diet and access to her puppies should naturally produce enough milk to sustain her litter. If this is not the case or of the litter is simply too large then intervention may be necessary. 

For the first couple to days mum is providing vital colostrum to her babies. Colostrum is liquid gold. It may not seem like much, but it jump starts the puppy’s immune system. 

Orphaned pups without access to colostrum from mum are left at a major disadvantage, which is why plasma (adult dog serum as a source of protective immunoglobulins) is often given during the first two days of life.  Again if any of my clients need additional information and support with this simply contact me. 

My next post will be about safe ways to supplement pups should it be required xxx

Please Note: This is the intellectual property of Emma Clarkson at Fair Hero Fertility. Should you have any concern always consult your veterinarian.